Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Botswana Project 2010

What beautiful things you have sent me for the Botswana Project!! Since my last post, there has been a knit avalanche coming in!

Sweaters donated by Anne Marie, Shaz, Beverly, Patricia, Jill, Sally, Angie and me:

botswanaswtr0210d.JPG botswanaswtr0210c.JPG botswanaswtr0210b.JPG botswanaswtr0210a.JPG

Scarves/shawlettes from Patricia, Shaz and Anne Marie:


Legwarmers and slippers from Anne Marie and Sally:


Two dozen hats (!!) from Vickie, Bev, Beverly, Debbie, Maria, and Patricia:


And a blanket from Regina:


My photos don't do justice to your beautiful work.

Our grand total for this collection is:

28 hats
18 sweaters
5 scarves/shawlettes
4 blankets
2 slippers/leg warmers

You are all so incredibly awesome! Thank you!


Unknown said...

Those sweaters are gorgeous, especially the multicolored ones.

noricum said...

*headdesk*... I *still* have a hat to send you... *sigh*