Swatchy™ goes out into the world, when I cannot.
*Gorgeous* scenery! And what an adorable cow! (Well, as long as you stay away from the business ends of those horns!)
fortunately, given that the thing has such Cousin It-like qualities, the horns don't seem to be that a great a threat--more likely, it would trample you without realizing you were even there...
It is very Cousin-It-like!
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*Gorgeous* scenery! And what an adorable cow! (Well, as long as you stay away from the business ends of those horns!)
fortunately, given that the thing has such Cousin It-like qualities, the horns don't seem to be that a great a threat--more likely, it would trample you without realizing you were even there...
It is very Cousin-It-like!
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