Monday, February 11, 2008

Hello! We're Still Here!

Hello Knittah!

Yep, we're still here, freezing in Winnipeg. Despite the cold this past weekend, we did make it out of the house. Saturday was a fun day! First we went to the Manitoba Crafts Museum, which currently has an exhibit on handspinning. The volunteer staffing the museum said it was okay to take photos, so we took a few so you could see some of the exhibit too.
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Noricum thought the information in the above article was really neat. She didn't know that Mary Maxim, practically a Canadian icon, started in a small town in Manitoba. (It's now based out of Toronto, and has an American outlet store too, in addition to it's ongoing mail-order business.)
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This drawer was really impressive:
There's a contest to see how long a yarn can be spun from 10g of fiber... and the amount is absolutely stunning!!! For all those talking about spinning "frog hair"... have *you* ever spun over 1000 m of yarn from 10 g of fiber? The local best had much less yardage, yet were amazingly thin.

It looks like someone other than Noricum has thought of gathering fiber at the zoo... some ladies actually tried it during the war:

After a fantastic time for a measley $2 donation, we stopped in at Mitchell Fabrics, Noricum's favourite fabric store. *Wow*! That place is *huge*, and has a mind-boggling array of fabrics! We didn't take many photos, because Noricum wasn't sure how the staff would feel about us taking photos, and by the time we asked, it was time to go. However, here's the outside of the store:
One general photo of one part of the inside, which really doesn't do a good job of giving the feel of the place:
And a funny photo that we snuck before we had permission:
That sign says "Oscar de low Rental, anti-fashion fabrics"! Hee!

In honour of Noricum's birthday, and because I'm tired of freezing my fiber off, Noricum and I have decided to hold a (hopefully) fun contest. We'll write it up in our next post.

Hoping you are warmer where you are,

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