Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Off to Africa


SwatchGrrl is off to Africa! She will be living with our friend Njuru in Lilongwe, Malawi. Njuru is from Kenya, but he and his family are in Lilongwe, where Njuru works on a public health program. I hope that we'll see pictures and hear stories about this far off place, so different from home!


noricum said...

Dear SwatchGrrl,

Wow! I know you'll have an exciting time over in Africa. Perhaps you can teach us something about the public health program too? I can't wait to read about your adventures there!


PS: Noricum suggests that perhaps your earrings aren't that practical for travelling in Africa, but feel free to do whatever you want.

Celeste said...

Kwaheri, SwatchGrrl! Say a loving Jambo to Africa for me!

~Swatchy Hugz