Monday, October 15, 2007


Well, I have been waiting til y'all commented on my other posts to post the BIG SURPRISE, but I guess I'll just have to throw it out there.

I. Met. CRAZY AUNT PURL!!!! She had a book signing here in LA and Devon, her friend Amy, and I all went. It was so stinkin' cool. She is just as awesome in real life as on her blog, and she just LOOOOVED me! Devon gave her our postcard so maybe she'll even come check out the site! We emailed her a copy of the picture and she emailed us back. Cause, you know, we're friends now. *buffs nails on shirt*
P.S. She mentioned porn twice! Hahahahaha....


Knittah said...


Devon, you ROCK! I just finished Laurie's book the other day!!! OMG! I'm having a vicarious quiver-fest over here!

Laurie's book is very funny, and heart-warming. She is so honest about her divorce and about the process of claiming a new life for herself.

I completely identify with how knitting can become the cornerstone of a new life.

Well done, Devon. You made my day!!!


noricum said...

Lucky you!!!