Friday, April 20, 2007

McSwatchy, Globetrotter

Hey Swatchy, I got my wish! I went back to Costa Rica with Knittah's Dad, this time as a chaperone for a student group from the Bullis Charter School in Los Altos, California. I started out with my friends James and Brian in the dark at Philadelphia airport. The banana was just what I needed to start the day.

It's a long trip, you know. As we flew into Costa Rica, I could see the beaches out the window.

The first thing we had to do was give the kids from the Bullis Charter School an orientation to the Leatherback Trust Goldring Marine Biological Station at Playa Grande. Everyone was very excited.
I made friends fast, and the kids seemed glad to have me along as their experienced guide. Wait until you see what we did next!

1 comment:

noricum said...

Dear McSwatchy,

Cool! Lately I've been helping Noricum with her new job as an enumerator... several posts coming as soon as things slow down a bit!
