Monday, December 04, 2006

Preventative Heart Surgery

Dear Knittah,

Before you get worried, I want to tell you I'm all right, I came through the procedure with flying colours, and I'm back to feeling like new again. My heartstrings had been weakening, so Noricum took preventative measures and gave me a bypass heartstring surgery. My heart is now nice and secure, and I feel great.


PS: Here's two photos of me post-op, one at the operating table, and one of me enjoying the scenery out of my hospital window. I do not need to be kept overnight, since I'll have Noricum to observe me.

Heart Surgery U of M


Anonymous said...

Ooh, that looks like snow!

The weather in the UK has a reputation for being cold and damp but we don't get enough snow for my liking. I think it's so pretty.

Enjoy your hospital view of the snow Swatchy, and get well soon!

Knittah said...

What a relief, Swatchy! I'm glad you have Noricum to take such good care of you.