Wednesday, January 03, 2007

McSwatchy New Year

McSwatchy here! I got left behind when Knittah's mom went to Virginia for New Year's! Can you believe it? I was very relieved when Knittah ended up spending the night with me. I would not have wanted to be alone on New Year's.

Knittah showed me her new socks. She says it's her first pair of Jaywalkers.

I was bummed because Knittah said we were not staying up until midnight. We watched a football game, and an episode of Firefly. But before bedtime, Knittah did share her sparkling cider with me.


Well, after all that and saying she didn't want to stay up late, there was a loud party in the neighborhood. I think it was a First Night celebration. They had a DJ and fireworks, too, which were pretty cool. Anyway, the noise kept us up past midnight, but at least we were snug and half asleep.

I can't wait to tell you about my trip to Costa Rica. I'll see if I can convince Knittah to write all that for me in the next couple days. Until then, have a McSwatchy New Year!

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